Issue 48

Collector Profile

Dominic & Natalie Dirupo

For Melbourne-based couple Dominic and Natalie Dirupo, collecting is part of a wider belief in the value of creative expression in all its forms.

By Nadiah Abdulrahim APR 2017

Despite only moving to Melbourne eight years ago, Dominic and Natalie Dirupo’s contribution to the city’s arts scene is considerable. Speaking to them, their passion and excitement for art and culture is clear – and incredibly infectious. Dominic and Natalie, who are from London and Queensland respectively, moved to Melbourne for its vibrant and diverse cultural offerings. Their collection, they say, is a result of learning by doing: from their first purchase in 2009 to their first commissioned work in 2014, it’s been an educational, and surprisingly accessible, journey. Their striking collection is split across two apartments in Melbourne – on Flinders Lane and in Windsor – and includes works by artists like Tony Albert, Stephen Bush, Peter Daverington, Julian Meagher, Jonny Niesche and David Ralph.

Dominic: Not long after moving to Melbourne we became patrons and donors to the MSO, ACCA and events like the Melbourne Writer’s Festival. We had been [frequenting] all these free events, and one day we were cycling past the Sidney Myer Music Bowl when the MSO was playing a free show, and we thought, Well, someone’s paying for this somehow, and it would be devastating if this stuff stopped. Especially since the government is cutting funding to various things all the time. So we became patrons to ensure that these programs and events would continue to be offered, and that’s how we became involved in the arts scene here in Melbourne. Just from reaching out and asking how we could help. And from ... Subscribe to read this article in full

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Issue 48