ISSUE 3 - APRIL 2013
Angelica Mesiti, Linder, John Young, Katy Moran, Archie Moore, Steve Cox, Colette, Lewis Marnell, Realism In Australian Art, Rinus Van De Velde, Michael Zavros, Glenn Terry, Tony Bevan, Colin Laverty, Mrs Bennett, Jud Wimhurst, Alan Kaye, Paul Guest, Hopkinson Cundy & more

Angelica Mesiti

Q&A: David Shrigley


John Young

Katy Moran

Archie Moore


Steve Cox


Lewis Marnell

Byron Bay Bluesfest

Framing of Fashion

Realism in Australian Art

Rinus Van De Velde

Michael Zavros

Glenn Terry & the Punk Aesthetic

Tony Bevan

Colin Laverty

Who is Buying New Art?

Mrs Bennett

Jud Wimhurst

Alan Kaye

Paul Guest

Hopkinson Cundy

Caffeinated Wonderland

IMALENNOX STACMIACCA MelbourneMCA Roslyn Oxley Gallery